Can You Wear a Mouthguard with a Permanent Dental Wire Behind Your Teeth?

Wearing a mouthguard is crucial for protecting your teeth and mouth during physical activities, particularly in sports with a high risk of dental injury. If you have a permanent dental wire behind your teeth, you may wonder if wearing a mouthguard comfortably and effectively is still possible. A permanent dental wire, also known as a […]

21 Jun 2023

Can I Wear a Night Guard Over a Crown?

You can wear a night guard over a crown while you sleep. Dentists recommend that you wear one, especially if you suffer from teeth grinding and clenching. This is so that the crown retains its size and shape as long as possible. You should guard your dental crown like a jealous lover if you’ve recently […]

13 Jun 2023

5 Best Mouth Guards for TMJ (Ranked!)

The Temporomandibular Joint, or the TMJ as it is affectionately called, can be a real diva! From clicking like a rebellious castanet to causing piercing pain, TMJ disorders have a knack for stealing the spotlight and making your life miserable. One of the most common causes of TMJ disorders is bruxism or teeth grinding. Besides causing […]

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