Order your kit online and we’ll deliver it to your door within a few days.
Take a clear top down photograph of your impressions and photos of your Teeth using the mouth spacer in your kit to with your order number in the subject so we can have a good look at it. If we need to send you more putty, we will.
Place your impressions in the replay paid satchel and securely close it. Now you just need to take it to the nearest post office or post box. If you purchased express post, please ensure to drop it at a post office or in a yellow post box.
This is all us now. We are going to pour your moulds up, and get to work making you a seriously high quality night guard. This takes some time so please be patient.
You will receive an email with your order information once it has left our state-of-the-art laboratory. Get ready for a good night’s sleep.
Wearing a night guard can take a few nights to get used to, but the results are definitely rewarding. Adding that cushioning layer and bite surface for your teeth to clench and brux against really helps protect the long-term health of your teeth.
We do not recommend wasting time with anything less than a custom made night guard or occlusal splint from a dentist, ourselves, or a reputable dental laboratory service.
Which type of guard is best for you?

MYMOFO® Night Guard - Heavy
Heavy Teeth Grinding or Clenching, Longest Service Life, Dentists recommend

MYMOFO® Night Guard - Light
Light to Moderate Teeth Grinding or Clenching, Intermediate Service Life

MYMOFO® Night Guard - Hybrid
Light to Moderate Teeth Clenching, Intermediate Service Life
Save up to 80% when buying an occlusal night guard directly from a dental laboratory. If you are not happy with your night splint, return it for a refund within 30 days.